Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Baby Steps.

So, I started with the couch to 5k app on my iphone. That lasted a few days and then fizzled out. I need to restart and really commit to it. I'm *hoping* the better weather and having the boys and the puppy as walking buds will strengthen my resolve.

I DID start, and fall in LOVE with, a Yoga class at our gym. Group Centergy: http://www.bodytrainingsystems.com/pages/bts_programs/GroupCentergy.htm Somehow, it manages to be both my workout (and it IS a workout, let me tell ya) and my time to really invest in myself and find some peace in my day. I LOVE and highly recommend it.

I am waiting on a referral to see an ENT now. My Pulmonologist says that my Lung Function testing is indicating an "obstruction" near my voice box. A laryngoscope is needed to figure out what is going on. Hopefully I can get that done soon so a diagnosis can be made and I can move forward with treatment and really kick this training up a notch.

I'm eager to hear how the rest of the Princess Half Marathoners are doing in their training!!!

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